PeerLink Tutoring

Payment Processing

Learn how your payments are processed in our the backend system

Payment Processing

Initial Payment

Initial Payment

To initiate a tutoring session with PeerLink, first you will make a payment through Stripe, an online payment processing service ( Your personal representative will process your payment to make sure your payment went through.

Initial Payment

To initiate a tutoring session with PeerLink, first you will make a payment through Stripe, an online payment processing service ( Your personal representative will process your payment to make sure your payment went through.

Payment Confirmation

Once your payment has been confirmed by your personal PeerLink representative, you will receive meeting details for the session(s) that you had paid for. You representative will send you a follow up email with either a Zoom/Google Meet link and a Google Calendar/Outlook RSVP that you can add to your calendar.

Payment Confirmation

Payment Confirmation

Once your payment has been confirmed by your personal PeerLink representative, you will receive meeting details for the session(s) that you had paid for. You representative will send you a follow up email with either a Zoom/Google Meet link and a Google Calendar/Outlook RSVP that you can add to your calendar.

Session Confirmation

Session Confirmation

After receiving your meeting details, our tutors will be excited to meet you on the date and time of your confirmed booking. If you would like to cancel your meeting, please do so 24 hours before your meeting time so that we can process your request. To learn more about our cancellation policy, click here

Session Confirmation

After receiving your meeting details, our tutors will be excited to meet you on the date and time of your confirmed booking. If you would like to cancel your meeting, please do so 24 hours before your meeting time so that we can process your request. To learn more about our cancellation policy, click here


After you have completed your session, we encourage you to book another follow up class based on your most recent needs. If you would like to request a refund for any reason, please be sure to communicate with your PeerLink representative before 7 days from the time of the meeting. To learn more about our refund policy, click here.



After you have completed your session, we encourage you to book another follow up class based on your most recent needs. If you would like to request a refund for any reason, please be sure to communicate with your PeerLink representative before 7 days from the time of the meeting. To learn more about our refund policy, click here.